This helps businesses to clear goods through customs faster and ensures that they are in full conformity with all laws and regulations applied in the country. International trade operations are carried out smoother and less unpredictably. Common Challenges and Solutions in IEC Registration The procedure...
Even the processing of such applications by Regional Authority of DGFT would be done online (no paper work in the office; less storage space required and no misplaced documents) and the digitally signed e-IEC (no more IECs in physical form) would be issued/emailed to the applicants within tw...
Fullinformationonthevotingforitsapprovalcanbefoundinthereportonvotingindicatedin theabovetable. ThelanguageusedforthedevelopmentofthisTechnicalReportisEnglish. ThisdocumentwasdraftedinaccordancewithISO/IECDirectives,Part2,anddevelopedin accordancewithISO/IECDirectives,Part1andISO/IECDirectives,IECSupplement,available ...