windows 7(x86) IE8 下的 owc 项目中使用了微软的owc11,在windows7(x86)下却不能正常使用,平时操作都是将站点加入信任站点,然后调低安全性,不过这次将安全性调到最低,却出现了问题。 错误信息:“查询无法进行。数据提供程序不能提供进一步的错误信息。” 解决方法如下: 在IE 的Internet选项中,将网站加入信任站...
错误应用程序启动时间: 0x01cbbb84cce7b8bf 错误应用程序路径: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe 错误模块路径: 4348140121.dat 报告ID: 0c73055b-2778-11e0-9402-20cf30e84537 解决方案:在C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer 搜索4348140121.dat 改名或删除...
I have Vista SP, x86, ITA. I upgraded from IE7 to IE8. Everything went right as expected except a problem: default web accelerator 'Tranlsate with Live Search' is set as default in arabic-english instead of expected english-italian. Switching 'Protected mode' off the default language ...
@paulWhen you said: "The Partner build on available on connect is newer than the build in the Win 7 beta" I thought of something: Does the IE8 Beta included in Windows 7 fall between IE8 Beta 2 (8.0.6001.18241) and the first partner build posted on connect (8.0.6001.18343)? Anonymous...
Problems installing player on Win7/IE8 alevinemi New Here , Dec 03, 2010 Copy link to clipboard I am attempting to install the most recent version of Flash Player, and I think I have exhausted the online FAQ/Troubleshooting. I am running Internet Explorer 8 32-bit on Windows 7 Enterpris...
首先检查自己的win7是否是win7SP1;不是的话,先更新sp1补丁;其次,需要按顺序安装下列补丁,才能安装成功ie11安装顺序KB2834140KB2670838KB2639308KB2533623KB2731771KB2729094KB2786081KB2888049KB2882822系统 下载地址x86 链接: 提取码:f4ynx64 链接:https://pan.bai...
Win7系统中配置Medtrak后,部分窗口无法自动关闭问题:配置medtrak后1) 部分窗口(如床位分配、医嘱常用模板维护等)无法自动关闭2) 中草药录入界面无法弹出提示框解决方法:配置medtrak后,32 位系统运行“Unregister”目录下的unregisterX86.bat文件;64 位系统运行“Unregister”目录下的unregister-64bit.bat文件(需要确保系统...
- Windows 7 reaches RTM (IE 8 included); Now, of course, we could get a policy reversal from MS: next Service Packs for all supported OSes (XP SP4, 2k3 SP3, Vista SP3) include IE 8 - and the ability to remove IE (as in Win7) before 7 is actually out. Don't bet on any ...
First look for problems on your side,not in IE.Maybe you managed to damage XP or Vista.(Like manual fixing of problem going wrong) But I need IE8 RC1 for Win7.Thats the only thing missing... Anonymous 2009年2月3日 The comment has been removed Pigglety 2009年2月3日 Thank you for...
增加win7下配置medtrak后部分窗口无法自动关闭的解决方案 V1.02 范丽霞 / 2014-05-11 调整文档结构,增加客户端运行环境 1. OS+浏览器: windows XP+ IE6;windows XP+ IE8 windows 7 x86 + IE8;windows 7 x86 + IE9 windows 7 64bit + IE8;windows 7 64bit + IE9 .NET Framwork: V4.0 备注: 1....