IE大学(IE University),简称IE,是一所坐落在西班牙马德里北部金融中心的私立高校,在塞戈维亚有分校区。校训为:同一个世界,不同的思想(拉丁语:Unus Mundus, Mentes Diversae;西班牙语:Un mundo, mentes diferentes)。IE大学在2024QS世界排名428. 2023QS全球全日制MBA及商科硕士排名中揽获多项全球前十:全...
IE大学International MBA究竟什么样?留学既然有那么多个国家选择,西班牙IE大学的优势在哪里?IE大学商业类可成全球招生部经理Ana Trebolle为您解答!吃喝玩乐、人际交往、工作实习,位于首都马德里的IE大学都有着得天独厚的优势,加上今年全新改革的国际MBA课程,能够让学生以相同的价格,根据自己的需求选择11或15个月的课程...
composite of all the FT’s rankings and Poets&Quants‘ ranking of the best international MBA programs, both published in December. IE ranked third on the FT’s European ranking last year, behind London and HEC Paris. The school is already excluded from the newspaper’s ranking of custom exec...
International MBA IE University - IE Business School , ranked n°17 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking
#3 MSc in International Management Worldwide #4 MSc in Marketing Worldwide #5 MSc in Business Analytics Worldwide #6 MBA in Europe #7 MSc in Finance Worldwide #8 EMBA in Europe #5 Worldwide -- 2019 QS Ranking by Subject - Master in Business Analytics MiBA是ESADE在2017年9月的首开项目,...
International MBA 国际工商管理硕士,学制11个月,要求学士学位,至少3年工作经验,要求提供GMAT或GRE成绩或参加学院的入学考试,要求托福100(建议105)或雅思7(建议7.5)或多邻国130,学费82300欧元,可申请奖学金,9月和1月入学,没有申请截止...
IE商学院MBA在读学生分享 - 3/2 日期:2013年3月2日(周六) 时间:20:00 - 21:00 地点:ChaseDream在线聊天室 报名: 嘉宾: Mr. Anhua Wang GMAT: 670; IELTS: 7.0; Zhejiang University: Bachelor degree 2006-2009: Toshiba (Changzhou) Transformer–Chief Designer in...
ie MBA international program Paris/New York (Collège of insurance NY)NEGRA Bruno
IE University, in my experience as a student, stands out as an outstanding institution for higher education. Its international perspective is a major strength, evident in the diverse student body that represents a multitude of countries and cultures. Interacting with such a global community has broa...
In the US, Carnegie Mellon and the University of Massachusetts Amherst performed well, alongside good scores from the University of North Carolina and the University of Florida: Warrington, both longstanding participants. The FT ranking comes at a time of growing interest in online learning, which ...