Idyllwild Arts Academy 的标语 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 埃迪怀德艺术高中 加州艺术高中成立于1986年,是以艺术职业前培训为主的独立寄宿中学,提供9到12年级课程。是美国西海岸唯一一所提供综合的艺术课程和大学预科课程的寄宿学校,也是美国最好的高中之一。学校在创意写作、舞蹈、电影...
They talked about the high school for the arts they had founded and wanted to reacquire the glory days of the past for the Summer Program. Bill & Steve wanted to upgrade and have a youth orchestra as a central element of the program. They had seen me doing the California Honor Orchestra...
Jazz guitarist Graham Dechter in process. He is an Idyllwild Arts graduate. Hensinger was a scholarship student who is studying at Berklee in Boston. Jazz in the Pines is a fundraiser for student scholarships at the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. Jazz banner of Etta James by Gawec...