统计每日自习记录,趋势分析:可以分析每日/周/月/年的自习情况。 Statistics daily self-study records, trend analysis: can analyze daily/weekly/monthly/yearly self-study conditions. ← 文案| Jasmine\ Rhea 排版| Jasmine\ Rhea 审核| Serena
3456.windy [ˈwɪndɪ] a.有风的,多风的 3457.wine [waɪn] n.酒 3458.wing [wɪŋ] n.机翼,翅膀 3459.winner [ˈwɪnə] n.获胜者 3460.winter [ˈwɪntə] n.冬天,冬季 3461.wire [ˈwaɪə] n.电线 346...
growing by 3.1 percent year-on-year. Among this, China's imports from France amounted to 262.42 billion yuan, surging 10.9 percent on a yearly basis, data from China's General Administration of Customs showed.
Depending on factors, such as the weather, duration of surveillance and visibility of the camera to would-be offenders, the detection rate of high-rise littering acts could vary and result in fluctuations in the yearly enforcement ...
[3] International Telecommunication Union, “Measuring Digital Development: Facts and Figures: Focus on Least Developed Countries”, 2023-03-01, https://www.itu.int/itu-d/reports/statistics/facts-figures-for-ldc/#:~:tex...
said school fees were the biggest financial worry for 40 percent of people in Uganda. In that country, a top government-supported school reportedly costs $700 for a three-month term. That is a lot of money in a country where ...
20.year n.年→yearly a.一年一次的,每年的 21.younga.年轻的→youth n.青春;青年→youngster n.年轻人,少年 22.zoo n.动物园→zoologist n.动物学家 维度三:短语巩固版(wild~zoo) 1.be wild with joy欣喜若狂 2. beyond sb's wildest dreams...
[3] W3Techs. Historical yearly trends in the usage statisticsof content languages for websites[EB/OL]. (2024-08-12)[2024-08-19]. https://w3techs.com/technologies/overview/content_language. [4] 王文 . 调动“百万大军”——论中国智库对外传播...
Ningbo's gross domestic product (GDP) totaled 380.18 billion yuan ($54.92 billion) in the first quarter of this year, rising 4.5 percent on a yearly basis, according to the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Statistics. Specifi...
the fast growth of China’s new energy vehicle industry highlights the potential of China’s mega-sized market. It also demonstrates the firm resolve of the Chinese government to advance green and low-carbon development ...