摩根大通退出净零银行集团,美国主要银行完成退出 JPMorgan Leaves Net Zero Banking Group, Completing Departure of Major U.S. Banks 1月7日,摩根大通选择退出净零银行联盟(NZBA),至此美国大型银行只剩Amalgamated Bank、Areti Bank和Clima...
accelerated the cultivation and growth of the three leading industries, injected new vitality into urban development, and promoted high-quality economic development. The total number of high-tech enterprises exceeds 680, achieving zero ...
澳门大三巴牌坊Ruins of St. Paul B. B to B (B2B) business to business B to C (B2C) business to consumer 把握大局grasp the overall situation 白马王子Prince Charming 白手起家starting from scratch 白雪公主Snow White 摆架子put on airs 摆谱儿put on airs; show o...
Focusing on the planning and layout of leading industries, strategic emerging industries, and future industries, we will improve the whole-chain incubation system of "crowd-sourcing space + incubator + accelerator + industrial park" and build a group of i...
We identified 67 demonstration and characteristic platforms playing the roles of incubator, accelerator or promoter, such as Xi'an Electronic Valley. Qinchuangyuan Science and Technology Accelerator and the main base of Fengdong Integrated Incubator ...
start-up incubator 启动资金 start-up fund 戴妃逝世20周年 the 20th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana 王室 royal family 丧亲之痛 bereavement 沉痛悼念 mourn with deep grief 9月新闻热词汇总 巡视利剑 Sharp Sword of Inspection 挪用公款 ...
通过Slurm and [submitit](https://github.com/facebookincubator/submitit)进行多节点训练: pipinstall submitit 在ImageNet上训练DeiT-base model,2个节点,8个gpus,300个epoches: pythonrun_with_submitit.py --model deit_base_patch...
人均纯收入net per capita income 户籍制度改革reform of household registration system 培育新的经济增长点fostering new areas of economic growth 国际收支状况balance of payments 房价过快上涨precipitous rise of housing prices 来源:TRANMAX口译 ...
创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park 福利标准 welfare standard 零成本 zero cost 零利润 zero economic profit 六级高频词组(201—250) in the habit of 有…的习惯 fall into the habit of 染上…的习惯 form the habit of 养成…的习惯 cop...
新创企业孵化器 start-up incubator 启动资金 start-up fund 税收激励 tax incentive 独角兽企业 unicorn 数字经济 digital economy 5. 戴妃逝世20周年 the 20th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana 王室royal family 丧亲之痛 bereavement 默哀observe ...