Sonic the Hedgehog is an American comic book series based on Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise and is the second American Sonic Comic adaption after Archie Comics' Sonic the Hedgehog. It is distributed by IDW Publishing and began on 4 April
For other versions, see Sonic the Hedgehog (disambiguation) For the video game version of Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog on the SNN Wiki. Sonic the Hedgehog is a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog who possesses the power of super speed. He uses this ability to def
but it is the first time we’ve seen the crews ofThe Original Series,The Next Generation,Deep Space NineANDVoyagercome together in one event. They’ll be facing off against one of the franchise’s classic villains, Q. (Semi-related fun fact: I went to aStar Trek-themed event at the C...
but withSonic the Hedgehog, they pulled it off. Set in the same universe as the games, the comics follow Sonic and his friends as they battle against the evil Dr. Robotnik and his plans to take over the world.
IDW presents this special 100-page collection of classic Gold Key Star Trek comics. Created by writers and artists who had not seen the show often (or at all) and worked off of whatever publicity materials they could get their hands on, the Gold Key Comics are true 1960s gems. Needless ...
FeaturingSam Maggs(Marvel Action: Captain Marvel),Evan Stanley(Sonic the Hedgehog),Tony Fleecs(My Little Pony,Star Wars Adventures),Kim Dwinell(Surfside Girls),James Kochalka(Johnny Boo), andAdam Tierney(Afraid of Everything)! The virtual Comic-Con@Home panel is now live:
Sonic The Hedgehog TPB Vol 03: Battle For Angel Island Thanks for joining me on this Pubwatch! Advertisements A writer at heart with a fondness for well-told stories, Louis Skye is always looking for a way to escape the planet, whether through comic books, films, television, books, or vi...
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