2023年IDSA指南:耐药革兰阴性菌感染治疗方案速记 | 合理用药 临床用药评价公众号评:虽然2023年IDSA GUIDELINES《Infectious Diseases Society of America 2023 Guidance on the Treatment of Antimicrobial Resistant Gram-Negative Infections》很具有临...
近期,美国感染病学会(Infectious Diseases Society of America,IDSA)更新了耐药革兰阴性细菌感染的治疗指引。即《IDSA 2023版抗微生物药物耐药革兰阴性细菌感染治疗指引(IDSA 2023 Guidance on the Treatment of Antimicrobial Resistant Gram-...
The guidelines were reviewed in a session at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists titled "Beyond the Top Line: A Point-Counterpoint Discussion of the 2020 Antimicrobial Resistant Gram-Negative Infection Treatment Guideline." In part 2 ...
22. Pappas PG,Kauffman CA,Andes D,et al.Clinical practice guidelines for the management of candidiasis:2009 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America.Clin Infect Dis,2009,48(5):503-535. 23. Dinubile MJ,Friedland I,Chan CY,et al.Bowel colonization with resistant gram-negative bac...
microorganism, they should be considered as two positive confirmatory samples. Uncommon contaminants or virulent organisms (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus or Gram-negative rods) are more likely to represent infection than common contaminants (such as coagulase-negative staphylococci, micrococci, or ...
Empirical combination antibiotic coverage for multi- samples are obtained 72 h after the initiation of appropriate drug-resistant (MDR) gram-negative bacilli, such as Pseudo- therapy (B-II). monas aeruginosa, should be used when CRBSI is suspected in 34. For long-term and short-term CRBSI ...
CSF cultures that grow Staphylococcus aureus or aerobic gram-negative bacilli are indicative of infection (strong, moderate). CSF cultures that grow a fungal pathogen are indicative of infection (strong, moderate). What Specific Tests of Cerebrospinal Fluid can be used to Confirm the Patient has ...
drug-resistant (MDR) gram-negative bacilli, such as Pseudo- monas aeruginosa, should be used when CRBSI is suspected in neutropenic patients, severely ill patients with sepsis, or patients known to be colonized with such pathogens, until the culture and susceptibility data are available and de-es...
aureus have also emerged.12-14 Extremely drug-resistant the thoughtless person playing with penicillin is morally re- gram-negative bacteria, such as carbapenemase-producing sponsible for the death of the man who finally succumbs to Klebsiella pneumoniae and other carbapenem-resistant Entero- ...
tantPseudomonasaeruginosa,Acinetobacterbaumannii,Stenotrophomonasmaltophilia,andextended-spectrumb-lactamase-producingGram- negativebacilli.ScreeningforMDRbacteria(usingnasalandrectalswabsandtrachealaspiratesfromintubatedpatients)wasperformed atICUadmission.RiskfactorsforinfectionorcolonizationwithMDRbacteriaatICUadmissionweredete...