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#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RAGE128_PW 0x5057 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RAGE128_PX 0x5058 /* Rage128 M4 */ /* Radeon R100 */ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RADEON_QD 0x5144 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RADEON_QE 0x5145 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RADEON_QF 0x5146 #d...
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Linux Firmware Debug Kit v1. Contribute to merckhung/lfdk1 development by creating an account on GitHub.
5057Rage128PW/PROAGP2xTMDS 5058Rage128PX/PROAGP4xTMDS 5144RadeonR100QD[Radeon7200] 10020008Radeon7000/RadeonVE 10020009Radeon7000/Radeon 1002000aRadeon7000/Radeon 1002001aRadeon7000/Radeon 10020029RadeonAIW 10020038Radeon7000/Radeon 10020039Radeon7000/Radeon 1002008aRadeon7000/Radeon 100200baRadeon7000/Rade...
" 5057 Rage 128 PW/PRO AGP 2x TMDS", " 5058 Rage 128 PX/PRO AGP 4x TMDS", " 5144 Radeon R100 QD [Radeon 7200]", " 1002 0008 Radeon 7000/Radeon VE", " 1002 0009 Radeon 7000/Radeon", " 1002 000a Radeon 7000/Radeon", " 1002 001a Radeon 7000/Radeon", " 1002 0029 Radeon AIW...
^Prgo, ^Pwd, ^Pwdo Miscellaneous and bug fixes Fixed memory leak in terrain filter code. In a huge map with Silver Mages, it could leak several gigabytes of memory in a long session. Fixed: unit halo remained after undoing a recall (issue #3065) ...
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RAGE128_PW 0x5057 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RAGE128_PX 0x5058 /* Rage128 M4 */ /* Radeon R100 */ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RADEON_QD 0x5144 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RADEON_QE 0x5145 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_RADEON_QF 0x5146 #...
FSG 角度变送器 PW70/A Proxitron 接近开关 IKQ 100.05 G,ID:2354B-5 Ahlborn Mess- und Regelungstechnik GmbH 产品校验证书 KH9046W W. GESSMANN 手柄 "V64 links V61LB1D-02Z(C)-A050,24V,MSP21-0,1/100/101" Multi-Contact Essen GmbH 雄针 "18.1506 ME2-15+PE-SP1,5/0,5-1,5 AU" ...