M. (1972). Pigmentation, color change and the ecology of the marine isopod Idotea resecata (Stimpson). J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 10:1-27LEE W. L., GILCHRIST B. M. 1972. Pigmentation, color change and the ecology of the marine isopod Idothea rese- cata (Stimpson). J. Exp. Mar...
The isopod Idotea resecata (Stimpson) occurs on brown kelp Macrocystis and eelgrass Zostera marina (L.) in bay localities along the Californian coast. It is present in two color varieties, brown and green, which match the colors of its t... WL Lee,BM Gilchrist - 《Journal of Experimental...
resecata, I. granulosa and I. montereyensis is β,β-caroten-2-ol. This is the first record in an animal of a carotenoid with a 2-hydroxy-substituted β-ring. 3. 3. Small amounts of β,β-caroten-4-ol (isocryptoxanthin) were also found in all three species of isopod. 4. 4....
The incorporation of [14C]beta-carotene into the marine isopod Idotea resecata (Stimpson, 1857) and the biosynthesis of canthaxanthin 1. 1. Radioactive β-carotene was fed to Idotea resecata in an agar-based artificial food-substratum. 2. 2. 14C activity was incorporated into echinenone, ....