Osmoregulation in Ligia oceanica and Idotea granulosa: Todd, M. E., 1963. J. Exp. Biol., 40 (2): 381–392Osmoregulation in Ligia oceanica and Idotea granulosa: Todd, M. E., 1963. J. Exp. Biol., 40 (2): 381–392doi:10.1016/0011-7471(65)91553-6Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic...
(1986). Breeding biology and microhabitat utilization of the intertidal isopod Idotea granulosa Rathke, in the Irish Sea. Estuar., cstl Shelf Sci. 22: 335–355Salemaa, H. 1986. Breeding biology and microhabitat utilization of the intertidal isopod Idotea granulosa Rathke in the Irish Sea. ...
granulosa wete studied in the littoral belts of two northern Baltic rocky shore habitats. Population sizes are largest in the aurumn, after occupation of the Fucus belt by a new Idotea generation from the belt of filamentous algae. Two periods of dectease in the population density, one in ...
Life cycles, breeding periods and vertical distribution of Idotea granulosa rathke and I. Pelagica leach (Crustacea, Isopoda) on Icelandic shores — 1987. Herbivory and microhabitat preferences of Idotea spp. (Isopoda) in the Northern Baltic Sea. – Ophelia 27(1):1-15. Sheader, M. 1977. ...
The distribution patterns of four species of the genus Idotea in the Limfjord (inner Danish waters) are described. The species show habitat segregation with respect to the degree of exposure and to some extent with respect to the salinity. Idotea pelagica and I. granulosa are restricted to hab...
Idotea granulosa at Húsavík was distributed in a lower and narrower zone of the intertidal than at Straumsvík (Fig. 4) and disappeared from the shore from December to February both years. The animals dispersed up the intertidal during summer although not as much as those at Straumsvík. ...
granulosa from Denmark was investigated in an attempt to elucidate their ecological distribution. All were able to keep their haemolymph hyperosmotic relative to the medium in salinities below 30â°. Above this concentration they were isosmotic....
granulosa and I. montereyensis is β,β-caroten-2-ol. This is the first record in an animal of a carotenoid with a 2-hydroxy-substituted β-ring. 3. 3. Small amounts of β,β-caroten-4-ol (isocryptoxanthin) were also found in all three species of isopod. 4. 4. The occurrence ...
Idotea granulosa [Reproduction / / ] [Fecundity / / ] [Life cycle / / ] [Growth / / ] [Geographical variation / / ] [Ecology / / ] [Population dynamics / / ] [Vertical distribution / / ] [Baltic Sea / / Northern].The population dynamics and bteeding biology of Idotea baltica, I...
Horlyck V (1973) Seasonal and diel variation in the rhythmicity of Idotea baltica (Pallas) and Idotea granulosa Rathke. Ophe- lia 12:117-127Horlyck, V. (1973). Seasonal and diel variation in the rhythmicity of Idotea baltica (Pallas) and Idotea granulosa Rathke. Ophelia 12, 117-127....