(C)剧场偶像(idols of the theatre) (D)种族偶像(idols of the race)Ans:(A)(3)人類的思维可能会受到许多因素的影响而产生错 …yamol.tw|基于32个网页 2. 剧场假相 ...称造成的偏见, 象市场上叫卖者一样以假乱真. ——剧场假相(idols of the theatre ) :盲目崇拜权威,迷信传统观念造成 的偏见,它...
idols of the theatre 由于传统观念而产生的谬见 strawhat theatre n. 夏季剧院 shadow theatre 影戏 指包括皮影戏在内的种种影子表演 Kodak Theatre 柯达剧院 位于美国加州好莱坞的好莱坞大道上,2001年11月9日启用,是奥斯卡金像奖颁奖礼的举行地点,在2002年开始成为奥斯卡的永久举行地。 repertory theatre 由固定...
网络剧场偶像 网络释义 1. 剧场偶像 4.剧场偶像(Idolsofthetheatre): 剧场偶像指的是广被接受的错误哲学体系,是由公认的思想体系所构成的幻象。当我们相信某 … yamol.tw|基于3个网页
Orange, A. D. (1975) `The Idols of the Theatre: The British Association and its Early Crit- ics', Annals of Science 32, 277-294.A. D. Orange. "The Idols of the Theatre : The British Association and its Early Critics", Annals of Science , Vol. 32 (1975) :277 - 94....
种族假象(Idols Of the tribe)洞穴假象(Idols of the Cave)市场假象(Idols of the Marketplace)剧场假象(Idols of the Theatre)种族假象 :指的是人类在认识事物时,总是以自己的主观感觉为尺度,而不是以宇宙本身为尺度,从而陷入了主观主义 。洞穴假象 :指的是由于个人的天性不同,每个人...
Analysis of the "Four Idols" by Francis Bacon essaysAnalysis of the "Four Idols": Insights on Truth- and Knowledge-Seeking from Novum Organum by Francis Bacon In the philosophical discourse entitled "Novum Organum," scientific philosopher Francis Bacon
idols of the theatre 由于传统观念而产生的谬见 相似单词 cave n. 山洞,洞穴,窑洞 v. [I] 1.(房顶、墙等)塌落,塌陷,坍塌,凹陷 2. 让步,屈服,屈从,投降 [T] 使凹陷,使塌落;在…挖洞穴 cave in n. 陷落 cave house n. 窑洞 cave man [ caveman ]的相关形容词 最新...
–Chloe Finemanshared two separate backstage peeks from her Broadway debut inAll In(at The Hudson Theatre): Thefirstwas forBroadway.com, and thesecondwas forGlamourmagazine. –St. Vincentansweredsome slightly random questions forLatiNationto help promoteTodos Nacen Gritando, the Spanish-language re...
and seem to live by. Theidolsconsisted ofidolsof the tribe‚idolsof the cave‚idolsof the marketplace‚ andidolsof the theatre. Thesefouridols‚ essentially began the start of modern psychology for the benefit and teaching of man. The firstidol‚ theidolof the tribe‚ was a symbol...
‘faith-based’ policies; the ‘idols of the market’ (errors we fall into as our minds make unwarranted connections between words and ideas) include the way we treat Pearl Harbor, Ground Zero, Hiroshima; and the ‘idols of the theatre’ (prejudices that stem from religious and philosophical...