方式2: docker新推出免开发环境,docker环境,大家可以pull下面镜像:docker pull xingfranics/cplusplusthings:latest 方式3: g++视频学习本项目第一期:Step By Step上手编译本项目第二期:免开发环境docker第三期:手把手共读HashTable,彻底搞懂C++ STL基础进阶
FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet. - Detectron/docker at master · idoit/Detectron
方式2: docker新推出免开发环境,docker环境,大家可以pull下面镜像:docker pull xingfranics/cplusplusthings:latest 方式3: g++视频学习本项目第一期:Step By Step上手编译本项目第二期:免开发环境docker第三期:手把手共读HashTable,彻底搞懂C++ STL基础进阶
🐳 How to start gpt-pilot in docker?git clone https://github.com/Pythagora-io/gpt-pilot.git (clone the repo) Update the docker-compose.yml environment variables, which can be done via docker compose config. If you wish to use a local model, please go to https://localai.io/basics/...
docker build -t bytetrack:latest . # Startup sample mkdir -p pretrained && \ mkdir -p YOLOX_outputs && \ xhost +local: && \ docker run --gpus all -it --rm \ -v $PWD/pretrained:/workspace/ByteTrack/pretrained \ -v $PWD/datasets:/workspace/ByteTrack/datasets \ -v $PWD/YOLOX_...
Contact information: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/turn-server-project-rfc5766-turn-server email:misi@majd.eumom040267@gmail.com Packages No packages published Languages C92.0% CMake3.0% C++1.7% Shell1.4% Makefile1.1% Dockerfile0.8%...
docker-compose - Fast, isolated development environments using Docker. fabric - A simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment. fabtools - Tools for writing awesome Fabric files. honcho - A Python clone of Foreman, for managing Procfile-based applications. OpenStack - Open source softw...
FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet. - idoit/Detectron
Code This branch is3974 commits behindgoogle-ai-edge/mediapipe:master. README Apache-2.0 license MediaPipeis a framework for building multimodal (eg. video, audio, any time series data), cross platform (i.e Android, iOS, web, edge devices) applied ML pipelines. With MediaPipe, a perception ...
docker Add Dockerfile for CN Jul 9, 2019 integration update jetty-server version May 6, 2019 lib rm LICENSE Jun 20, 2019 script remove unused script Oct 10, 2018 .gitattributes modify linguist-language Feb 22, 2019 .gitignore modify linguist-language Feb 22, 2019 .gitmodules add submodule ...