Edge用户:前往win10应用商店搜索Tampermonkey下载即可。其他浏览器如360浏览器,前往插件中心下载,这里给出大多数常用浏览器的插件下载地址:搜狗浏览器:http://ie.sogou.com/app/search/Tampermonkey 360安全浏览器: https://ext.se.360.cn/webstore/search/tampermonkey 360极速浏览器:https://ext.chrome.360.c...
(2 times) and finally click on the - Encrypt - button. The add-on starts the encryption process and downloads the encrypted file to your machine automatically. Please do the same procedure for decryption purposes. Note: this addon is only designed for encrypting a "single" file. If you ...
(2 times) and finally click on the - Encrypt - button. The add-on starts the encryption process and downloads the encrypted file to your machine automatically. Please do the same procedure for decryption purposes. Note: this addon is only designed for encrypting a "single" file. If you ...