A、5分钟未输入命令,断开连接 B、5秒钟未输入命令,断开连接 C、系统故障5分钟 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 第1题:根据GB/T 25070-2019《信息安全技术网络安全等级保护安全设计技术要求》,规定了网络安全等级保护第一级到()等级保护对象的安全设计技术要求。( ) A、第二级 B、第三级 C、第四级 D、...
缺省情况下,用户连接的超时时间是5分钟。 命令格式 user-interfacevtyui-numberidle-timeoutminutes[seconds] undo user-interfacevtyui-numberidle-timeout 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 ui-number 指定VTY用户界面编号。 整数形式,取值范围是0~4。 minutes
Sent Deauthenticate to mobile on BSSID 00:26:cb:94:44:c0 slot 0(caller apf_ms.c:5094) 解决方法: 增加session timeout值,WLC GUI>>WLAN>>ID>>Advanced 2、Idle Timeout Idle Timer的默认值为300s,也就是5min. Idle Timeout:Idle计时器超时时,客户端会从WLC上被移除掉(如果一个用户的设备关机了,...
The message is a warning and typically has no user impact, thus no action needs to be taken. Note that there is an option to filter out the 'Closing socket' messages, as described below. But we advise against doing this since there is a small chance that the messages could be indicative...
/** * 超时处理 如果5秒没有接受客户端的心跳,就触发; 如果超过两次,则直接关闭; */ @Override public void userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object obj) throws Exception { if (obj instanceof IdleStateEvent) { IdleStateEvent event = (IdleStateEvent) obj; if (IdleState.READER_IDLE.equ...
By default, this check is off (value 0). Setting this value to 5 to 10 seconds will be of great value if you are expecting cases of client connectivity. Please note that the value is specified in milliseconds. PostgreSQL allows us to set these values at even user level. Wi...