用IDL读*.prv 文件,出现的错误:READF: End of file encountered. Unit: 101, File: G:“book....
IDL error: READU:End of file encountered.Unit:102,file: 原因分析:有可能是软件对输出/输入文件读写权限受限,如这里默认输出文件夹"C:\Users\dsbin\AppData\Local\Temp"读写权限受限,导致读取不到相应的文件,如下图所示: 解决方法:将Output Directory for FLAASH Files目录换一个。
1、Unable to write to this file.File or directory is invalid or unavailable。 没有设置输出反射率文件名。 解决方法是单击Output Reflectance File按钮,选择反射率数据输出目录及文件名,或者直接手动输入。 2、ACC Error:convert7 IDL Error:End of input record encountered on file unit:0. 平均海拔高程太大...
close, 1 & openr,1,filename,error=err if (err ne 0) then begin close, 1 n=0 return endif line=fltarr(41) while(not(eof(1))) do begin readf,1,line endwhile And on the line readf,1,line I get the following error: READF: End of file encountered. Unit: 1, File: results P...
PRO procedure_without_END PRINT, 'Hello World' ;END When trying to compile this procedure (after saving it into a file namedprocedure_without_END.pro), you will receive the following error in the IDL Output Log:IDL> .COMPILE procedure_without_END % End of file encountered bef...
The end of the file has been reached. Both this member and the previous one,WMT_EOF, have the value 4. WMT_END_OF_SEGMENT Value:5 The end of a segment has been encountered. WMT_END_OF_STREAMING Value:6 The end of a server-side playlist has been reached. ...
进行重测序或者GBS时,hapmap 是比较常见的格式,生信中经常使用这种格式。但是在GWAS和GS中,数据筛选,...
// 2 - checking is required and that certificate validation fails if any error is encountered // during CRL processing. FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IPSEC_THROUGH_NAT, // FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_IPSEC_THROUGH_NAT_VALUES FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_POLICY_VERSION, // Policy version FW_GLOBAL_CONFIG_BINARY_VERSION_SUPPORTED...
错误是 READF: End of file encountered. Unit: 101, File: D:\abc\out.txt 请问这是什么原因?
The end of the file has been reached. Both this member and the previous one,WMT_EOF, have the value 4. WMT_END_OF_SEGMENT Value:5 The end of a segment has been encountered. WMT_END_OF_STREAMING Value:6 The end of a server-side playlist has been reached. ...