相反地,说话的声音是与众不同的,不规律的,特别的。 4. You can´t; it´s veryidiosyncratic. 你不能,它是非常特殊的 5. Repetitive use of language oridiosyncraticlanguage. 重复,刻板的语言或特异的语言方式。 单词专题
Linguistic Idiosyncrasies and Neologisms Metaphoric Language Pedantic Speech Pragmatic Communication Word Use References and Readings Volden, J., & Lord, C. (1991). Neologisms and idiosyncratic language in autistic speakers.Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 21(2), 109–130. ArticlePubMedGo...
Language samples from matched groups of 80 autistic, mentally handicapped, and normally developing children were coded for the presence of neologisms and/or idiosyncratic language use. Cognitive, social, or linguistic factors that might account for these errors were identified and assessed. More autistic...
Language ProficiencyLanguage SkillsMental RetardationLanguage samples from matched groups of 80 autistic, mentally handicapped, and normally developing children were coded for the presence of neologisms and/or idiosyncratic language use. Cognitive, social, or linguistic factors that might account fo...
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
Very little is known about the use of gesture by children with developmental language disorders (DLDs). This case study of 'Lucy', a child aged 4;10 with a DLD, expands on what is known and in particular focuses on a type of idiosyncratic "rhythmic gesture" (RG) not previously reported...
Learning the syntax of a second language (L2) often represents a big challenge to L2 learners. Previous research on syntactic processing in L2 has mainly focused on how L2 speakers respond to "objective" syntactic violations, that is, phrases that are incorrect by native standards. In this stud...
Get a lot of tables comparing things and telling you what to use For example: A comprehensive overview of Ruby's errors Learn about lesser-known Ruby command-line options For example: An option to remove garbage Master Ruby's less common grammar features For example: All 210 different syntax...
and the cultural differences between the communicators. Jargon is a specialized language between certain people or professionals, and it is one example of how different words and language are used between people. Doctors or lawyers use jargon relating to their professions when communicating with other...
Variation in the application of natural processes: language-dependent constraints in the phonological acquisition of bilingual chidren. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 25, 515–526) proposal that children acquiring languages not closely related tend to favor a reduction strategy whereas those acquiring...