empyematic scoliosis【医】 脓胸性脊柱侧凸 congenital scoliosis【医】 先天性脊柱侧凸 相似单词 scoliosis脊柱侧凸; 脊柱侧弯; 脊椎侧凸 idiopathic自发的 最新单词 effective separation factor的中文释义有效分离系数 effective sensitivity的中文解释有效灵敏度 ...
a小说有多处描写“能够使人联想到距离耶稣蒙难”的情景 The novel has many place descriptions “to be able to cause the human to associate is confronted by danger from Jesus” the scene[translate] aidiopathic scoliosis 先天脊柱侧凸[translate]...
青少年特发性脊柱侧弯(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS),是临床上最常见的一种脊柱侧弯,占脊柱侧弯约80%以上,是指无任何先天性脊柱异常的或神经肌肉异常的脊柱侧弯及旋转畸形,任何人群均可以发病,尤其是有家族遗传基因的人群内。
scoliosis (redirected fromIdiopathic scoliosis) Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia sco·li·o·sis (skō′lē-ō′sĭs, skŏl′ē-) n. Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. [Greekskolios,crooked+-osis.] sco′li·ot′ic(-ŏt′ĭk)adj. ...
Idiopathic scoliosis is one of the most common complex genetic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The clinical parameters relating to onset, curve progression, and severity in relation to clinical prognosis and current treatment modalities have been defined, but do not address the cause of this...
idiopathic scoliosis 特发性脊柱侧弯相关短语 sucking (窑具吸取釉中挥发性成份) 吸釉 Meyer's theory (早发性痴呆是由机能性病因所致) 麦耶氏学说 yield condition (试验材料的弹性弯度等) 屈服条件 crest line (脊线) 顶线 knee bend (弯管) 直角弯头 expandable shell (杆柱) 膨胀套壳 headpin (九柱戏的)...
Related to Idiopathic infantile scoliosis:Idiopathic adolescent scoliosis sco·li·o·sis (skō′lē-ō′sĭs, skŏl′ē-) n. Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. [Greekskolios,crooked+-osis.] sco′li·ot′ic(-ŏt′ĭk)adj.
1. 特发性脊柱侧凸 特发性脊柱侧凸(idiopathic scoliosis,Is)是一种严重影响患者身心健康的慢性进展性疾病,国内外学者应用各种工具、仪器等对其 … d.wanfangdata.com.cn|基于15个网页 2. 特发性脊柱侧弯 特发性脊柱侧弯(idiopathic scoliosis,IS)是指脊柱有侧弯及旋转畸形,而无任何先天性脊柱异常或合并有神经...
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is the most common form of structural spinal deformities that have a radiological lateral Cobb angle — a measure of spinal curvature — of ≥10°. AIS affects between 1% and 4% of adolescents in the early stages of
rapid skeletal growth in otherwise healthy children. The deformity can be described in terms of altered sagittal and coronal balance as well as abnormal vertebral rotation. This topic focuses on AIS, as this form of idiopathic scoliosis accounts for the vast majority (approximately 90%) of cases....