The "last straw" means the last annoyance, disturbance, or betrayal which causes someone to give up, lose their patience, or become angry. 🌰举个例子 Our boss had been unhappy with Brian's performance for a while, but it w...
The last straw: Meaning: The final problem in a series of problems that makes a situation unbearable. It's raining cats and dogs: Meaning: Heavy rainfall. Burn the midnight oil: Meaning: To work late into the night. Hit the hay: Meaning: Go to bed or go to sleep. Cost a pretty pen...
This is the final problem, setback, or source of irritation in a series that causes one to finally lose patience or for something to stop working. A shortening of the proverb "it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back." I've been a good sport about letting Tom share the cred...
07. That's the last straw The last in a series of unpleasant events that finally makes you feel that you cannot continue "Did you fight with your friends? OK. This is the last straw - Your father ans I'll have a serious conversation with you!" "He has always been yelling at everyb...
And then suddenly a storm broke out.我在等待去我最喜欢的音乐会时兴奋得像要跳起来一样。That was the last straw.我几乎等不及了。In the end, we had to postpone the whole event to another weekend.或者,我等不及要……Next question, describe a crowded place you have been to....
英语词汇学_Unit_12_English_Idioms EnglishLexicologyUnit12 EnglishIdioms Whatisanidiom?• • Idiomsconsistofsetphrasesandshortsentences,whicharepeculiartothelanguageinquestionandloadedwiththenativeculturesandideas.Therefore,idiomsarecolourful,forcibleandthought-provoking.Strictlyspeaking,idiomsareexpressionsthatare...
25. the last straw, the final straw (压倒某人的)最后一根稻草; 26. a straw in the wind: a small sign of what might happen in the future (预示发生某事的)迹象,苗头,征兆; 27. give someone the benefit of the doubt: trust what someone says 姑且认为某人是对的,姑且相信某人(在信息不完整的...
Eachidiomisasinglesemanticunity.Themeaningofanidiomisopaque;i.e.themeaningofanidiomisnotthetotalsumofthemeaningofitsconstituents.tillthecowscomehome:foraverylongtime;forever Structuralstability Home Thestructureofanidiomusuallyremainsunchangeable.burythehatchet *burytheax in(*the)question outof(the)question M...
The straw that breaks the camel's back,意思就是:那根压断了骆驼背的稻草。 =The last straw (某件事使你终于无法忍受了) to sow one's wild oats也可以说是wild oats意思是过放荡的生活 Belly laugh是指那种出自内心,痛快的大笑 Knee-slapper是那种使人笑得拍大腿的笑话 A straw in the wind (征兆,...
22. ‘Giving someone the cold shoulder’– To ignore someone. 23. ‘The last straw’– The final source of irritation for someone to finally lose patience. 24. ‘The elephant in the room’– A matter or problem that is obvious of great importance but that is not discussed openly. ...