5) Fall down on the job 敷衍了事,没做好工作 Be incapable for a work. 6) Work one ’s fingers to the bone 非常努力的工作 To work very hard. Unit 2 1) Be a breeze 像一缕清风一样很容易做 A thing that is easy to do. 2) Have a green thumb 擅长园艺 To be good at gardening. ...
someone. Idioms 9, 10 Big Cheese Birthday suit (top executive of a (completely naked) company) A baby is cute in its Dress nice for work tomorrow birthday suit, but you because the big cheese is aren’t! coming to see us. Idioms 11, 12, 13, 14 Broke Bull in a China (have no ...
the generation and maintenance of the example subcorpora, and the linguistic-lexicographic analyses of the target idioms.Finally, the third section presents the results of specific investigations into the syntactic, semantic, and historical properties of collocations. This book presents original work in ...
Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: Facebook Twitter Idioms browser? ▲ perform (something) on (someone or something) ...
After 6 months of work, the company has started to produce results. 21. Être rouge comme une tomate Literal meaning: To be red like a tomato Feeling ashamed? Then this is the idiom you are looking for! “To be red like a tomato.” Pretty self-explanatory. La petite fille était ...
When the boss told me to come in to work on Saturday, that was the last straw. Definition = the final thing that causes sth to collapse or sb to lose their temper/get angry be up in the air Jim's vacation plans were still up in the air. Definition = for sth to be undecided; un...
Justhold ona little longer and you’ll see your hard work begin to pay off. You’re doing great. Hold out To “hold out” is to keep something from someone (like a secret), or to wait for something better (like an offer or deal). ...
Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson onEnglish idioms for describing challenges. If you listen in on conversations in the break room at work or at a popular restaurant, what will you hear? Chances are good you’ll hear people talking about problems and challenges. And it...
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