Lets paint the town red!,“tickled pink”,extremely happy,“tie the knot”,to get married,“the good old days”,used when referring to fond memories from the past,Example 1: Peter: Do you remember when we used to go fishing in the sea? Paul: Ahh yes, they were the good old days....
When someone is on cloud nine, it means that he or she is feeling extremely happy. Example: When he finally proposed to her, she was on cloud nine. Spaced out When you are not concentrating on what is going on around you, you can say you are spaced out or daydreaming. Example: Dave...
If you areover the moonorin high spirits, you are extremely happy, delighted, or pleased. —“I was over the moon about my vacation to Paris.” —“The holidays always put me in high spirits. If somethingmakes your day, it means that something has made you happy or put you in a goo...
For example, rain cats and dogs (meaning "rain very heavily") is an idiom; and over the moon ("extremely happy") is another idiom. In both cases, you would have a hard time understanding the real meaning if you did not already know these idioms!
COMMONIf you areon cloud nine, you are extremely happy because something very good has happened to you.I never expected to win, so I'm on cloud nine.When Michael was born I was on cloud nine. I couldn't believe this beautiful little boy was ours.Note: If someonecomes off cloud nine...
on cloud nine-extremely happyB. down in the dumps-depressed, sadC. dead on one's feet-extremely tired,exhaustedD. under the weather-not well illE. at death's door-very sick (almost dead) F. beside oneself(himsef,hersef myself) with anger-extremely angryExample: I have been working ...
Example:Riding a bike without training wheels is a piece of cake for me! On cloud nine Meaning:Feeling extremely happy or joyful. Example:When I got a puppy for my birthday, I was on cloud nine! Out of this world Meaning:Something extraordinary or amazing. ...
On cloud nine: This idiom means feeling extremely happy or joyful. An example usage could be, “When he won the lottery, he was on cloud nine.” Less Common Idioms Lose your marbles: This expression implies that someone is acting crazy or illogical. For instance, “My neighbor started buil...
See also:and,for,lark,on McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. happy as the day is long Also,happy as a lark;happy as a clam (at high tide). Extremely glad, delighted, very cheerful, as inHe was happy as the day ...
Extremely happy She’s been on cloud nine ever since she heard the news. Clue Not have a clue (informal) Not know (anything about) sth “Who’s that woman over there? I’m afraid I don’t have a clue”. Coin To coin a phrase ...