We are saying they are something. And we're taking maybe a thing or an object and personifying it, right, making it like a person or making the person like the object, right?我们说他们是某物。我们可能会把一件东西或一件物品拟人化,对吧,让它像一个人或者让人像这件物品,对吧?So, for...
In this podcast tutorial we cover 16 differentidioms. Some of them are good fordescribing people– a usual task in the IELTS Speaking Exam. Others are useful for describing interests and activities. The silver lining for using idioms is that you are likely to impress the examiner and therefore...
2.noun, rude slangDescribing such a person. Commonly hyphenated and used before a noun.My shit-for-brains brother really put a pizza in the oven for 30 minutes without first turning it on—can you believe it? See also:brain,for,shit ...
描写艺术的成语(Idioms describing Art).doc,描写艺术的成语(Idioms describing Art) Two elegant music highbrow art refers to the era of the Warring States chu. Compare elegant poetry and other literature and art Letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hund
“raining cats and dogs”. If you were telling a story about an event from your past that took place on a rainy day, it would be perfectly acceptable to use this idiom. A popular Americanidiomis “a dime a dozen,” meaning that something is very common. If you were describing a ...
2.adjective, obsoleteDescribing such a person or society.Bluestocking societies are the scourge of London, if you ask me. These sorts of things should be of no interest to women.Ma'am, what is the purpose of the bluestocking gatherings held here? Why is my wife here when she could be ...
Describing one who does not consider gender as a binary of two exclusive options (male and female) and who identifies as neither male nor female, or as a combination of genders.I want to talk to a genderqueer person to try to better understand their views on gender.My friend Sal doesn'...
A trail is a path through the forest,and the person who creats that path by hacking through the bush is "blazing a trail" To blaze a trail-to do something new or different A:I hear you guys are working on something interesting projects. B:Yeah we are,and it's really fun to help ...
It's often used to praise a perfect match, whether it's in relationships, partnerships, or even in describing a harmonious combination of elements in a work of art. This idiom highlights the beauty and perfection of such unions. 9. 白马非马 (bái mǎ fēi mǎ) The Chinese idiom "白马...