A TRANSLATION ANALYSIS OF IDIOMATIC EXPRESSION IN THE FILM "KUNG FU PANDA 2" DIRECTED BY JENNIFER YUH NELSON In the next step all idiomatic expressions found are retyped and charted based on its English subtitle and Indonesian subtitle. The chart consists of four columns: one for number of dat...
@AirwolfgamerAR I know that one xD. In English we have an expression, like, "he was so good...
Idiomatic Expressions IdiomaticExpression 1.Iwasn'tbornyesterday.Thatwasaclosecall.Areyoupullingmyleg?2.3.IdiomaticExpression 4.RobPetertopayPaul.Lifebeginsatforty.5.6.Ifyouhavenohandyoucan'tmakeafist.ClasscicalWordsInMovies 1.Lifewaslikeaboxofchocolates,youneverknowwhatyou...
This expression is used to encourage people to continue and finish what they're doing. 七上八下 Seven up and eight down. Worried, insecure, upset. 七嘴八舌 Seven mouths and eight tongues. Everybody talking at once. 万事俱备,只欠东风 Everything is ready, except the east wind. To have e...
This expression is used to encourage people to continue and finish what they're doing. 七上八下 Seven up and eight down. Worried, insecure, upset. 七嘴八舌 Seven mouths and eight tongues. Everybody talking at once. 万事俱备,只欠东风 ...