4 [Ipr] ~at /on sth (a) give a tug on s th (b) draw or suck sth 5 [T n] move( a switch) in or der to operate a mechanism: pull the trigger, ie fire a gun 6 [T n] (sl)attract sb serually: He can sti ll pull the girls.IDM bring/pull sb up short/sharply make ...
4 [Ipr] ~at /on sth (a) give a tug on sth (b) draw or suck sth 5 [Tn] move(a switch) in order to operate a mechanism: pull the trigger, ie fire a gun 6 [Tn] (sl)attract sb sexually: He can still pull the girls. bring/pull sb up short/sharply make sb stop suddenly ...
4 [Ipr]pull sb in (a)(infml) bring sb to a police station forat /on sth (a) give a tug on sth (b) draw or suck sth 5 [Tn] move(aquestioning; detain sb (b) attract(audiences, supporters,switch) in order to operated a mechanism: pull the trigger, ieetc): How many voters ...
-at onpull (sb) round through (infml)(helpsth(a) give a tug on sth (b) draw orsb to )recover consciousness or from ansuck sth 5 [Tn] move(a switch)inillness: She was so ill that it seemedorder to operated a mechanism: pull the unlikely that she would pull through.trigger ie46...
For each event category, define a listener interface that extends java.util.EventListener and contains a method declaration for each event (of that category) that will trigger an information propagation from the event generator to its listeners. Name the listener interface by substituting Listener for...
(1) can be broughttogether with conceptually similar expressions which otherwise would be ana-lysed separately in the framework of traditional lexicology. Together with idiomsliketo pull the wool over someone’s eyes‘to deceive, mislead someone’,to muddythe waters‘to make things more confused by...
pull punches “at a stump” roots: at a loss stumped “cut me a bone” roots: cut me some slack throw me a bone “wake up and read the handwriting” roots: wake up and smell the coffee read the handwriting on the wall “eager at the bit” ...
pull punches “at a stump” roots: at a loss stumped “cut me a bone” roots: cut me some slack throw me a bone “wake up and read the handwriting” roots: wake up and smell the coffee read the handwriting on the wall “eager at the bit” ...
For each event category, define a listener interface that extends java.util.EventListener and contains a method declaration for each event (of that category) that will trigger an information propagation from the event generator to its listeners. Name the listener interface by substituting Listener for...
For each event category, define a listener interface that extends java.util.EventListener and contains a method declaration for each event (of that category) that will trigger an information propagation from the event generator to its listeners. Name the listener interface by substituting Listener for...