Original lyrics of IDGAF (Diablo Remix) song by Dua Lipa. Explain your version of song meaning, find more of Dua Lipa lyrics. Watch official video, print or download text in PDF. Comment and share your favourite lyrics.
Nobody gets me but you, you give me meaning So I was happy when you started see me Girl, we were so perfect I gotta be dreaming 'Til I woke up like "Why the *** did you leave me"? I met this girl, New Sara, I thought she was real Thought she loved me, thought she...
Nobody gets me but you you gave me meaning So I was happy when you started to see me Girl we were so perfect I gotta be dreaming Til I woke up like why the ** did you leave me I met this girl named sarah I thought she was real Thought she loved me thought she cared how I ...