Strategic PartnershipsA world-leading private equity investment institution that has been developing venture capital business as a pioneer in China. TrustOur investment partners include sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, foundations, endowments, asset management firms, wealth management firms and family ...
IDG资本是全球领先的投资机构,专注于通过风险投资、私募股权、产业发展等多元化方式,扶持处于不同成长周期的优秀企业实现长足发展。 我们的使命 预见 正在发生的巨大变化 陪伴 有梦想有格局的未来开拓者 推动 创造社会价值 我们的优势 卓越业绩 IDG资本参与了中国过半独角兽公司的早期投资,迄今已成功完成超600次...
Firm Overview IDG Capital is a world-leading private equity investment institution that has been developing venture capital business as a pioneer in China since 1993. For years, IDG Capital consistently pursues long-term value investment and maintains cl
IDG Capital Vietnam will continue the success of IDG Ventures Vietnam and is committed to bring our investment practice in Vietnam to another new level in the years to come. Venture Capital Private Equity Industrial Development IN CHINA:
The Global Corporate Venturing (GCV) Leadership Society’s mission is to help bridge the different strengths and ambitions of investors across industry sectors, geography, structure, and their returns. Featured Content RISING STARS 2025 The rising stars in corporate venturing for 2025 ...
当地时间12月17日,美国国防部宣布已于12月13日将中微半导体设备(上海)股份有限公司(Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. China,AMEC)和IDG资本(IDG Capital Partners Co., Ltd.)从中国军事企业清单(CMC清单或1260H清单)中移除。 中微公司是中国领先的...
当地时间12月17日,美国国防部宣布已于12月13日将中微半导体设备(上海)股份有限公司(Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. China,AMEC)和IDG资本(IDG Capital Partners Co., Ltd.)从中国军事企业清单(CMC清单或1260H清单)中移除。中微公司是中国领先的半导体设备制造商,产品涵盖等离子体刻蚀设备和MOCVD...
当地时间12月17日,美国联邦公报官网最新发布的文件显示,美国国防部已于12月13日将国产半导体设备大厂中微公司(Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. China,AMEC)和IDG资本(IDG Capital Partners Co., Ltd.)从中国军事企业清单(CMC清单或1260H清单)中移除。
IDG China Media Fund IIL持股为12.89%,IDG China Capital Fund III L.P持股为4.46%,IDG China Capital III Investors L.P持股为0.4%;阳光人寿保险股份有限公司持股为10.56%;德同环球消费投资有限公司持股为8.57%;腾讯旗下ChineseRose Investment持股为0.91%。剔除“轻松筹”业务,深入布局健康赛道 提...