IDF Diabetes AtlasDunning, TBrown, J. A, Paley, R. KCho, HDahlquist, GCho, NHAguiree, FDodd, S
, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIH/NIDDK), Bethesda (MD) (2017), pp. 31.01-31.51 NIH Pub No. 17-1468. Google Scholar [25] P.I...
国际糖尿病联盟(IDF Diabetes Atlas)网站,网站上有全球糖尿病20-79岁人群的数据。该数据集每年年底更新一版。 数据来源:International Diabetes Federation - Home 数据样本:提出问题: 平均数:不同年龄层次的糖尿病平均发病率平均数 中位数:不同年龄层次的糖尿病平均发病率中位数与平均数差,找到异常值 标准差:不同...
糖尿病与人口年龄段分布 国际糖尿病联盟(IDF),发布了最新的全球糖尿病地图( IDF Diabetes Atlas ) (第9版)。根据最新报告,2019年全球约4.63亿20-79岁成人患糖尿病(11个人中有1个为糖尿病患者);预计到2030年,糖尿病患者会达到5.784亿;预计到2045年,糖尿病患者会达到7.002亿,年龄段分别如下: 下图展示了2019年糖...
In the 10th edition of the IDF Diabetes Atlas, we have made an additional methodological attempt to standardize the global, regional and country income level specific prevalence of GDM by using the IADPSG's diagnostic criteria and universal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) strategy. 2. Methods ...
IDF Diabetes Atlas (in Chinese)
摘要: This paper describes the methodology, results and limitations of the 2013 International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Atlas (6th edition) estimates of the worldwide numbers of prevalen... 查看全部>>DOI: 10.1016/j.diabres.2013.11.005
Global diabetes-related health expenditures were estimated at 966 billion USD in 2021, and are projected to reach 1,054 billion USD by 2045. CONCLUSIONS :Just over half a billion people are living with diabetes worldwide which means that over 10.5% of the world's adult population now have ...
International Diabetes Federation.IDF Diabetes Atlas, 10th edn. Brussels,Belgium: International Diabetes Federation, 2021.本文为健康界原创,任何机构或个人未经授权均不得转载和使用,违者将追究法律责任!关键词: 第10版全球糖尿病地图IDF中国 55人点赞 3人收藏 打赏 精彩...
2|IDFDiabetesAtlas2021–10thedition | 1 Forovertwodecades,theIDFDiabetesAtlashasbeenaleadingsourceofinformationontheglobalimpactofdiabetes.Itswidespreadpopularityandreachistestamenttoitsvalueforpeoplewithapersonalorprofessionalinterestindiabetes. The10theditionoftheIDFDiabetesAtlasreportsacontinuedglobalincreaseindiabete...