Koch Curve Laundary System News_App PDF Password Generator Patterns PingPong PongPong_Game Python_chatting_application QR_code_generator Recursion Visulaizer Search_Engine Snake_water_gun Sorting Algorithims Sorting Algorithms TIC_TAC_TOE Test-Case-Generator ThirdAI Translator Triplets with zero sum Turn...
The frequency of extreme rainfall depth (PT) and dimensionless Gumbel frequency factor (KT) also known as Gumbel growth curve [92,93] were derived for the eight stations. The results showed that the frequency of precipitation is highest in the Bhadaure-Deurali station and the lowest in Khaire...
Hi, I'm testing the ESP32's ADC on the SparkFun ESP32 Thing. Currently my measure seems very noisy, it constantly varies on the 5 first bits, and the zero value is around 90mV. Is there a way to achieve better accuracy? My test code : ad...