在英语的传统文化中,每个月的第十五天也有一个固定的说法,称为 Ides;就此还有一句尽人皆知的谚语,叫做:Beware the Ides of March,提醒人们要小心“三月十五”这一天。 Beware the Ides of March 这句话,源于古代罗马历史上的一个转折性事件;...
在莎士比亚的戏剧中,算命先生警告恺撒时所说的台词就是:Beware the Ides of March,务必要小心三月十五这天。 Buyer Beware 莎士比亚的 Julius Caesar,曾是英语国家中学语文的必读书目,因此 Beware the Ides of March 这句话广为人知。 用来指“每月中间的一天”的 Ides,很多词典都会收录,但除了用来理解这句文学名句...
Beware the Ides of March 意思是“谨防3月15日”ides:古罗马历中3月,5月,7月,10月的第15日,其余各月份的第13日 Origin 这句话的出处 From Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, 1599. 'Beware the Ides of March' is the soothsayer's message to Julius Caesar, warning of his death.来自...
在英语里有句谚语:Beware the Ides of March,这句话的意思是提醒人们要小心“三月十五”这一天。 beware v. 谨防, 当心 be on one's guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to ides n. in the Roman calendar: the 15th of March or May or July or October or the 13th of any other month...
在英语里有句谚语:Beware the Ides of March,这句话的意思是提醒人们要小心“三月十五”这一天。 beware v. 谨防, 当心 be on one's guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to ides n. in the Roman calendar: the 15th of Ma...
When is the Ides of March? The Ides of March is March 15 on the American calendar. Is the Ides of March an unlucky day? The Ides of March was unlucky for Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. He was betrayed, ambushed, and assassinated by his senate on the Ides of March in 44 B.C., leavi...
在英语的传统文化中,每个月的第十五天也有一个固定的说法,称为 Ides;就此还有一句尽人皆知的谚语,叫做:Beware of the Ides of March,提醒人们要小心“三月十五”这一天。 Beware of the Ides of March 这句话,源于古代罗马历史上的一个转折性事件;在今天广为人知,主要是由于莎士比亚的一部戏剧作品。
Another theory, as to why Caesar might have seemingly been ignoring the ominous warning of Spurinna, is that perhaps Julius Caesar got the dates of the warning mixed up. He may have been thinking that the Ides of March fell on the 13th. In the ancient Roman calendar, each of the 12 mo...
What’s the Ides of March — Technically Speaking? In ancient Rome, the term “ides” was used as a marker of time on the monthly calendar. Back when the use of lunar calendars was still popular, the moon and its phases were essential in denoting the passage of time; months often began...
If the bad luck story is true, presumably an Ides of March that falls on Friday the Thirteenth would be incredibly unlucky. Fortunately, it is very rare, and only occurs four times out of over 5,000 dates on the perpetual calendar. The next one won't happen until 2013, so we have ti...