When is Ides of March 2025? As the word ‘ides’ refers to the middle of the month, the Ides of March is on March 15. Contrary to popular superstitious belief surrounding its origins, Ides simply marks the first day of the full moon in every month. ...
In March 2021, the Industrial Association of Pet Care Producers (IVH) and the German Pet Trade and Industry Association (ZZF) announced a survey result; as per the survey, almost 35 million dogs, cats, small mammals, and pet birds lived in German households in 2020. Overall, 47% of all...
Banana (Musa spp.), which is one of the world’s most popular and most traded fruits, is highly susceptible to pests and diseases. Pseudocercospora musae, responsible for Sigatoka leaf spot disease, is a principal fungal pathogen of Musa spp., resulting
CreatedMarch 25, 2016 at 10:55 PM Hello, After upgrading to Webstorm 2016.1, Webstorm won't start complaining that: Cannot find VM options file. System: Windows 10 Not sure if that's relevant but I copied idea.properties, WebStorm.exe.vmoptions and WebStorm64.exe.vmoptions from C:\Pro...