Identity V is NetEase’s first survival horror game. With a gothic art style, mysterious storylines and an exciting 1vs4 gameplay, the game will bring you a breathtaking experience. You will first enter the game as a detective, who has received a mysteri
Identity V is NetEase’s first survival horror game. With a gothic art style, mysterious storylines and an exciting 1vs4 gameplay, the game will bring you a breathtaking experience. You will first enter the game as a detective, who has received a mysteri
Identity V is NetEase’s first survival horror game. With a gothic art style, mysterious storylines and an exciting 1vs4 gameplay, the game will bring you a breathtaking experience. You will first enter the game as a detective, who has received a mysteri
《Identity V》(第五人格国际服)是网易匠心打造的非对称性竞技手游巨作,以其独特的哥特式诡诞画风和紧张的1V4竞技模式,引领玩家踏入一场惊心动魄的心理博弈。游戏中,你将在狂欢庄园的迷雾中扮演多重身份,或与队友携手解开密码机之谜,共赴自由之约;或化身为冷酷猎人,运用超凡技能,设下重重陷阱,追捕并智斗猎物。这...
Identity V will undergo maintenance on March 9, 2023, at 08:00 (UTC+8) and will take approximately 240 minutes to complete. During this time, players will be unable to log in to servers. We ask for your understanding and patience during maintenance. Maintenance content for this week: [...
Identity V中文名字也叫做第五人格,这是一款趣味横生的多人竞技冒险解谜手游,在游戏当中不论是精美细腻的画质,造型各异的人物模型,新颖独特的游戏场景,亦或者是可玩性极高的玩法,都为玩家带来了别漾的乐趣。
identityv国际版下载安卓分享,提供给你这款免费的竞技对战类游戏,全新游戏版本全新内容,第五人格国际服开启带给你更多的乐趣,在这里与国际友人一起进行非对称性对抗竞技,那么第五人格游戏的玩家下载国际版体验吧! 【identityv国际版游戏背景】 身份V:1对4非对称恐怖手游 恐惧总是源于未知。 加入惊险派对!欢迎使用由...
第五人格在国外也被翻译为Identity V,这是一款由网易游戏出品的非对称性对抗竞技类,在游戏当中凭借其生动趣味的人物造型,极具探索的游戏内容玩法,无一不让玩家深陷与此。与此同时,游戏当中操作十分简单易上手,在游戏初期有着最为详细的新手教程引导着玩家进入游戏当中