In Reddit's r/place 2022 event, a group of Identity V fans worked to build pixel art of Emma Woods on the canvas. Their space was next to Australia, who at first wanted to replace Emma, but instead decided to form an alliance with her community. They built their artwork around Emma,...
Biderman, S. et al. Pythia: a suite for analyzing large language models across training and scaling. InProc. 40th International Conference on Machine LearningVol. 102 (eds Krause, A. et al.) 2397–2430 (PMLR, 2023); The Gemma Team et a...
It also allows you to back up your settings, tweaks, and data. By importing your data into another browser, you can maintain the same settings as in the previous browser. Users like Social Fixer. One Reddit user said the following in appreciation of Matt, who created this tool. Comment by...
Using Hyper-V to increase virtual machine density and derive more value from hardware, they have increased density by almost 200 percent (from 28 virtual machines per host server to 83 virtual machines per host server). With this virtualization and increased server density,...