-Participate in Identity V Official Twitter/Facebook designate interactive event and achieve retweeting achievements, and get a redemption code for Crossover limited Portrait Frame. -Availability: After the maintenance on May 31, 2023 - Before the maintenance June 21 [Shop] - Lucky Dice is availabl...
留声机上留下了不知名的印记。Redemption CodeHuawei Recolor Promotional Event Radio (收音机)Fiddle with the spinning blades and turn on this retro radio 拨弄着旋转的风叶,打开这复古的收音机Event Rewards小米服 Promotional Event HunterPets[] Unlike Survivor pets, Hunter pets are limited to the character...
RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(bytes);varcodeVerifier =Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities.Base64UrlTextEncoder.Encode(bytes);//Store this for use during the code redemption. See RunAuthorizationCodeReceivedEventAsync.properties.Items.Add(OAuthConstants.CodeVerifierKey, codeVerifier);varchallengeBytes =SHA256.Hash...
dentity V Package Redemption Page
AADSTS40015OAuth2IdPAuthCodeRedemptionUserError - 联合标识提供者出现问题。 请联系 IDP 解决此问题。 AADSTS50000TokenIssuanceError - 登录服务出现问题。 请开具支持票证以解决此问题。 AADSTS50001InvalidResource - 资源已禁用或不存在。 请检查应用代码,确保为尝试访问的资源指定了确切的资源 URL。
varcodeVerifier=Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities.Base64UrlTextEncoder.Encode(bytes);// Store this for use during the code redemption. See RunAuthorizationCodeReceivedEventAsync.properties.Items.Add(OAuthConstants.CodeVerifierKey,codeVerifier);varchallengeBytes=SHA256.HashData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code...
This extension allows apps to declare the resource they want the token for during token redemption. code required The authorization_code that you acquired in the first leg of the flow. redirect_uri required The same redirect_uri value that was used to acquire the authorization_code. grant_type...
Authorization code flow Client credentials (app-only) Device code flow Implicit flow On-behalf-of flow access token Username/password (ROPC) username, password Hybrid OIDC flow Refresh token redemption refresh token Interactive and non-interactive authenticationSeveral...
可能的值为: defaultConfiguredIdp、 emailOneTimePasscode或microsoftAccount。 关系 无。 JSON 表示形式 以下JSON 表示形式显示了资源类型。 JSON 复制 { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.invitationRedemptionIdentityProviderConfiguration", "primaryIdentityProviderPrecedenceOrder": [ "String" ], "fallback...
Important Note: NetEase Pay is Netease Game Code and the redemption options is available for few games such as LifeAfter, MARVEL Super War, Rules of Survival, Identity V, MARVEL Duel, and more. In order to redeem the game code, please confirm your country/region via the official redeem web...