Welcome to Identity V! Identity V will undergo maintenance on November 7, 2024, at 08:00 (UTC+8), and will take approximately 240 minutes to complete. During this time, players will be unable to log in to servers. We ask for your understanding and patience during maintenance. - The serv...
- Prediction for Group Stages of COA VII Global Finals is now open. - The Identity V x Junji Ito Collection crossover event is about to return. [S-rarity Costume] Dream Witch - Kawakami Tomie, [A-rarity Costume] Lucky Guy - Souichi, Wu Chang - The Intersection Bishounen, [A-rarity ...
COA = Call of the Abyss - The annual official Identity V tournament run across all servers. CS = Confined Space CD = Cooldown DC = Disconnected DT = Detention FH = Friendly Hunter FFH = Fake Friendly Hunter FW or FE = Flywheel Effect GL/GLHF = Good luck!/Good luck have fun! IS =...
ポイントランキングTOP8(日本地区では5)の戦隊は各地区のCOA Ⅶオンライン予選に参加できます。 注意:プロ戦隊がいた場合、順位は繰り下げられます。 【狂気の幻像】戦隊順位展示段階:2024年2月1日に開放(欧米サーバー:2024年2月2日)(UTC+8)。 狂気の幻像ランキングTOP8(日本地区では5)戦...
105 -- 5:29 App 【Identity V】2021 COAIV全球总决赛Day1 现场回放 5957 2 1:42 App 【Identity V】高 端 局 2.0 9万 116 6:49 App “他为什么站着滑滑梯?”“因为……因为他的屁股上有个挂件” 2万 108 9:47 App 【手搓S巫】人有了隔阂就再也回不去了,因为都怪我。 502 -- 13:01 ...
4.至高杰作,盛典直播狂欢阶段,2020年1月9日维护后开启,馆藏大厅阶段前100名战队,可参与至高杰作战斗获取“至高杰作积分”,积分排名前16名的战队将获得更多奖励及参加coa3预选赛的资格。前16名中如有2019年ivc的冠军战队,则预选赛名额将顺延。 5.异界彼端,16支排名战队将被邀请参加后续的coa3线上预选赛。 冒险...
#第五人格木偶师##木偶师知识#作品名称:第五人格木偶师介绍作品简介:第五人格(Identity V)是一款非常受欢迎的多人在线对抗游戏,而其中一个令人着迷的角色就是木偶师(The Puppeteer)。木偶师是一位神秘的艺术家,擅长制作、操控和运用各种木偶。他的特殊技能使他成为
In this COAIV, the DOU5 survivors performed equally well in the follow-up. They all showed their own style in the finals, especially the antiquarian in the hands of DOU5_silverzhi, who played a key role in many games, with wonderful combos, ever-changing moves, and tacit cooperation to...
2024.6.30 IdentityV Japan League 2024 Summer vs SCARZ 2-0(19-9) WIN AKaBON★での奇襲👻初の4逃げでmonoPがMVPを獲得✨ 最終週に繋げられるように3戦目も気を引き締めて臨みます✨ 次の試合も応援よろしくお...