Once a fraud alert is placed on your credit file, you are entitled to a free credit report from each of the three nationwide credit reporting companies. Carefully review each of your credit reports for fraudulent activity. Report identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and print ...
The first step for reporting identity theft to the FTC is to visitIdentityTheft.govand clickGet Started. You’ll be redirected to a screen where you can select your situation. If you’re sure your identity was stolen and used, pickI want to report identity theft. Even though the FTC reco...
While an FTC identity theft report is an official report of the crime, you may also want to file a police report.Reporting cyber crimescan be difficult, since you may not know who the thief is. But if you know your information was fraudulently used in previous police reports — even mino...
Kelly Jackson Higgins
The FTC'sIdentityTheft.govis a one-stop shop for information and reporting identity theft. Start with that site and follow its recommended steps to make a recovery plan. You may also need to contact your police department, the Postal Service and the credit bureaus. The IRS has a phone line...
A fraud alert can protect you from identity theft and may stop someone from opening new credit accounts in your name. See our resources list for more information.
According to the Consumer Sentinel Network, maintained and updated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), there were 1.1 million reports of identity theft in 2022 [*]. This makes up for almost 22% of all fraud reports received by the FTC last year. ...
1. Go to IdentityTheft.gov Why? This website is the FTC’s official portal for reporting identity theft. It provides a structured and secure process for documenting your case. Action: Use the online tool to choose the prompt that best describes your situation. The FTC’s online system wil...
File an official identity theft report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Then report the fraud to your employer. Consider filing a report with local law enforcement. And if your situation involves unemployment fraud, consider reporting it to the Department of Labor. Keep any confirmations ...
After reporting your identity theft to the FTC, you may choose to file a report with your local police department. Take a copy of the FTC report with you. If you believe your identity was stolen via mail theft, report it to the U.S. Postal Service. If you think someone has used ...