Participants were asked to rate on a scale from 1 (completely disagree) to 5 (definitely agree) to what extent they agreed with these statements. Scores on all items were averaged to create a measure of perception of the situation as unfair (α=.79). Compassion was measured as a DV with...
Accounting Informationmeans (a) the annual audited consolidated financial statements of the Group and (b) the quarterly unaudited consolidated financial statements of the Group, each as provided or (as the context may require) to be provided to the Bank in accordance with clause 5.1.4; ...
2013; Kreiner,2015). First, we relied on an open-coding process to examine all of the transcripts from our different data sources (Strauss & Corbin,1998). In the open coding process, we attempted to identify and categorize direct statements of...
To accept everything people do as components of who they are is an application of a broad democratic empiricism: a recognition of the need to take people seriously and to give an account of what they actually do; the statements they make; the manner in which they present themselves; the i...
This paper will at- tempt to explore the integral connection between John's Logos theology and Jesus's I AM statements in the rest of the Gospel by examining the use of the term memra in Jewish Targums, especially its connection to creation by fiat ("let there be"), and how Memra ...
(for those who are married), a power of attorney to sign the documents of a company, the tax return, bank statements, amateur radio license or other licenses, medical prescriptions, exam results (both medical and college), degree, professional qualifications (e.g., medical doctor, lawyer, ...
"We aren't a nation rooted in blood. We aren't a nation based in ethnicity...America was an idea that was about something much bigger than what tribe you come from." These kinds of statements — and there are many more floating through the work of writers such as Ross Douthat...
When women such as Aretha Franklin, Barbra Streisand, and Diana Ross wanted to sing about politics, they picked songs by people like B.B.King, Elton John, Stephen Sondheim, Marvin Gaye, John Lennon, and Stevie Wonder, and thus produced intelligent statements equal to the concern or passion ...
[22]. Each of the studies varied in philosophical approaches and methodologies. There were also limited statements identifying the researchers’ own positionality in relation to the research, either theoretically or culturally, [23,25] and it was unclear in 3 studies [14,22,52] and very limited...
’ Both these statements on the uniqueness of God and the needlessness of distinguishing between churches and mosques seem to underline a perception of God and religion among Albanians that appears to permit a ‘flexible religious practice’. As Kretsi (2005a) points out, this attitude towards ...