JSON格式 {"RequestId":"63160579-2E1B-57B0-8273-B27427172385","SAMLIdentityProviderConfiguration": {"EntityId":"http://www.okta.com/exk3qwgtjhetR2Od***","SSOStatus":"Disabled","DirectoryId":"d-00fc2p61***","EncodedMetadataDocument":"PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4***","CreateTime":"2021-...
Identity Provider Entity就相当于IdPs与SPs之间签署的互相信任的协议。IdPs身份验证通过后,SPs认可这个验证结果,并要求IdPs要商定的用户信息字段如Username/email/phone传给SPs。 通常IdPs中跟常见的SPs集成都有详细的设置指南,有些已经集成好,比如Gartner排名第一的OKTA,就已经集成7000多的常见的SP应用。用户在OKTA中...
EntityId 属性 FederationMetadataConstants 类 FederationMetadataConstants.Elements 类 IdentityProviderSingleSignOnDescriptor 类 IndexedProtocolEndpoint 类 IndexedProtocolEndpointDictionary 类 KeyDescriptor 类 KeyType 枚举 LocalizedEntry 类 LocalizedEntryCollection 泛型类 ...
EntityId 方法 EntityId 屬性 FederationMetadataConstants 類別 FederationMetadataConstants.Elements 類別 IdentityProviderSingleSignOnDescriptor 類別 IndexedProtocolEndpoint 類別 IndexedProtocolEndpointDictionary 類別 KeyDescriptor 類別 KeyType 列舉 LocalizedEntry 類別 ...
2-3-1. 在【Identity Provider Certificate】处上传1-2下载的cert文件。 2-3-2. 确认【Request Signing Certificate】的内容和1-1中【Currently chosen certificate details】的内容一致。 2-3-2. 记住【Request Signature Method】 2-3-4. 确认【Entity ID】是在零. 事前准备中的Community Site的地址(需要在...
Not required when creating an entity, but required when updating an entity. Request Body Expand table NameRequiredTypeDescription properties.clientId True string Client Id of the Application in the external Identity Provider. It is App ID for Facebook login, Client ID for Google login, Ap...
Function GetUniqueIdentity ( _ type As Type _ ) As Identity Dim instance As IIdentityProviderService Dim type As Type Dim returnValue As Identity returnValue = instance.GetUniqueIdentity(type) C# 複製 Identity GetUniqueIdentity( Type type ) 參數...
For the most part, SSOs and IdPs are separate. An SSO service uses an IdP to check user identity, but it does not actually store user identity. An SSO provider is more of a go-between than a one-stop shop; think of it as being like a security guard firm that is hired to keep ...
身份提供(Identity Provider),授权服务器(Authorization Server),IP-STS 等等。其实他们都是一个意思,目的都是在软件应用中为客户端颁发令牌并用于安全访问的。 IdentityServer有许多功能: 保护你的资源 使用本地帐户或通过外部身份提供程序对用户进行身份验证 ...
SAML: Entity ID, ACS URL, Single Logout URL and the public X.509 certificate Entra ID (formerly Azure AD): Client ID, Client Secret, AD Domain. What happens if my existing certificate expires? If your existing certificate has expired, you may need to contact your identity provider to retr...