View MATLAB Command Create a prototype fi object, p. p = fi([],1,16,14); Create a 3-by-4 identity matrix with the same fixed-point properties as p. I = eye(3,4,'like',p) I=3×4 object 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 DataTypeMode: Fixed-point: binary point scaling Si...
给你一个函数,maxnum 这个函数可以统计一个矩阵里面出现次数最多的元素,并且返回给元素出现的次数。 使用方法:[x,n]=maxnum(A) 其中A是输入的矩阵,x是出现次数最多的元素,n是x出现的次数。需要实现该功能,将我给你的maxnum.p文件放在你的工作目录内。 示例: >> [x,n]=maxnum([1,2...
Identity Gate and Its Matrix Representation Create an identity gate that acts on a single qubit. g = idGate(1) g = SimpleGate with properties: Type: "id" ControlQubits: [1×0 double] TargetQubits: 1 Angles: [1×0 double] Get the matrix representation of the gate. M = getMatrix(g)...
clear all % generates one dimensional fractional Brownian motion 'W' on t in [0,1] using 'n' grid points % the method used applies FFT to a circulant covariance matrix % for a detailed mathematical explanation of the Matlab code and further % examples see % Kroese, D.P. and Botev, ...
The Woodbury matrix identity is: (A+UCV)−1=A−1−A−1U(C−1+VA−1U)−1VA−1(A+UCV)−1=A−1−A−1U(C−1+VA−1U)−1VA−1 where , , and are both assumed reversible. Proof: We denote with , namely ...