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Azure Virtual Desktop design considerations Design recommendations Next steps Azure Virtual Desktop is a managed service that provides a Microsoft control plane for your virtual desktop infrastructure. Identity and access management for Azure Virtual Desktop usesAzure role-based access cont...
This article provides a set of best practices for identity management and access control using built in Azure capabilities.
Azure facilitation Example Related links Security checklist Applies to this Azure Well-Architected Framework Security checklist recommendation: SE:05Implement strict, conditional, and auditable identity and access management (IAM) across all workload users, team members, and system components. Limit acces...
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Currently the “validate-azure-ad-token” policy does not accept CIAM tenants, but we expect this situation to change once these tenant are out of preview. As an alternative, we can implement an equivalent "validate-jwt" policy on the APIM service (Protect AP...
azure-devops-extension-api Overview AadGraphMember AadLoginPromptOption AadLoginPromptOption AadOauthTokenRequest AadOauthTokenRequest AadOauthTokenResult AadOauthTokenResult AbortTestRunRequest AccessMapping AccessTokenRequestType Account AccountCreateInfoInternal AccountMyWorkResult AccountPreferencesInternal Acco...
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There are advantages to storing a security token locally on the device. The most important is that it lets users access the application without logging in every time. Azure Mobile Services applications may leverage any or all of several security token providers or identity providers, such as Activ...
Storage Account允许从 Internet IP 范围进行访问 :https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/storage/common/storage-network-security?tabs=azure-portal#grant-access-from-an-internet-ip-range Authenticate with managed identity :https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/authentication-managed-identity-polic...