Syndromic genetic conditions, in aggregate, affect 8% of the population1. Many syndromes have recognizable facial features2that are highly informative to clinical geneticists3,4,5. Recent studies show that facial analysis technologies measured up to the capabilities of expert clinicians in syndrome iden...
Integrated three-dimensional modelling approach of stacked turbidite channels. AAPG Bulletin 11 (2007), pp. 1603-1618 Google Scholar Saraswat and Sen, 2012 P. Saraswat, M.K. Sen Artificial immune-based self-organizing maps for seismic-facies analysis Geophysics, 77 (4) (2012), pp. O45-O53...
The upper and lower boundaries of PED were defined by the RPE and Bruch’s membrane, respectively (b). The measurements of three-dimensional CVI were shown in (c,d). The upper boundary was delineated by the junction between capillaries and Sattler/Haller layer, while the lower boundary was ...
Our approach depends on multi-dimensional data availability including gene expression, chromatin states, TFs Chip-seq and clinical data to identify prognostic chromatin state-marked FFL biomarkers. However, the lack of large-scale multidimensional omics and clinical data of human cancers limits the ...
Here we introduce a longlist of nine candidate states used in legged locomotion and the way to measure or estimate them on a real robot: (1) base position in the world frame that can be estimated using visual inertial odometry55, the three-dimensional base position was used rather than the...
There are several issues that could cause the inaccuracy in separating these groups: the complexity of the multi-group classification problem, the difficulty of high-dimensional biological measures in representing the clinical symptoms, and the inherent unreliability of the clinically determined diagnosis ...
As expected, whole structural comparisons between each of the three Spike variants (native, Delta, Omicron) and the viral dataset revealed several viral proteins belonging to the family of Coronaviridae in the top similarity results. However, viruses with great taxonomic distance, such as Human Immu...
statistical methods, such as Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC), penalize the number of parameters in the model, but they need to screen all the subsets of the parameters, which is infeasible in terms of computational complexity in high-dimensional data. LA...
Supplementary Figures S10–S13 and Tables S6 and S7 summarize the performance of IMPALA versus three competing algorithms: random color coding12, edge orientation15, and integer linear programming (ILP)10. Note that we only applied ILP to pathway gene identification because ILP does not infer signa...
Bürgel, U. et al. White matter fiber tracts of the human brain: three-dimensional mapping at microscopic resolution, topography and intersubject variability.Neuroimage29, 1092–1105 (2006). ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Grabner, R.H. et al. Individual differences in mathematical competence predict ...