Reactive infiltration: identifying the role of chemical reactions, capillarity, viscosity and gravityA wealth of experimental data indicate that while capillarity controlled\ninfiltration gives an infiltration length that varies with the square root of\ntime, reactive infiltration is characterised by a ...
is a key messenger in cell signaling1. UB attachment to cellular proteins regulates many key processes such as protein degradation, subcellular trafficking, enzymatic turnover, and complex formation. E1 activates UB with the formation of a thioester linkage between a catalytic Cys of E1 and the C...
Adverse drug reaction (ADR) is one of the leading causes of death among hospitalized patients. As both new indications and ADRs are caused by unexpected chemical-protein interactions on off-targets, it is reasonable to predict these interactions by mining the chemical-protein interactome (CPI). ...
Depression is a complex mental health disorder and the goal here was to identify a consistent underlying portrait of expression that ranks all genes from most to least dysregulated and indicates direction of change relative to controls. Using large-scale
the effect of measurement noises. To this end, we simulate the reactions of an artificial pathway using 4 kinetic formulations: generalized mass action (GMA), Michaelis–Menten, linear-logarithmic, and convenience kinetics. We then compare the effectiveness of 5 evolutionary algorithms (CMAES, DE, ...
study, the protein and gene sequences of SARS-CoV-2 were retrieved from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database (https://www. and used to design protein and RNA nucleotide polymeriza- tion reactions for the VBR...
Chemical reactions of NOX, NO2, and ozone are significant when modeling dispersion. Emissions from road traffic, as reactions occur relatively quickly. ADMS Roads contains a chemistry module you can use if appropriate baseline data is available. The types of pollutants were determined on the basis...
the heart tissue of people who died from COVID-19, and viral particles have been identified in heart cells [4,5,6,7,8]. This strongly suggests that the virus can directly infect the heart and cause damage. While it is known that COVID-19 can cause cardiac dysfunction, the precise ...
Surface reactions are particularly challenging, since many methods of analytical chemistry are inapplicable at surfaces. Recently, atomic force microscopy has been employed to identify surface reaction intermediates. While providing an excellent insight into the molecular backbone structure, atomic force ...
the morphology and size of the particle. Substantial differences exist between single-component Li+and Na+intercalation. As illustrated in Fig.1, during lithiation, when the particle size reaches the critical nano-size region, both the nucleation barrier and miscibility gap vanish20,21. Single-...