2021], which stated that one of the main causes of respiratory diseases in European agglomerations is NOX pollution (NOX gases are formed as a result of the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen during the combustion of fuels such as hydrocarbons, e.g. in car engines). In ADMS-Roads, all NOX ...
The PCR components were identical to those used to amplify the 16S rRNA genes, except that 1–3 ml of the RT reaction were used as template. When the sponge- derived isolates were screened for halogenases, 100 ng of gDNA were used as tem- plate. The PCR conditions were: initial ...
These methods include polymerase chain reaction, Northern blots, microarrays, and mass spectrometry (MS), among others. MS has been an important tool for the analysis of nucleic acids due to its accuracy, sensitivity, efficiency, and ability to perform high throughput measurements. Furthermore, the...