Civil aviation is an important part of public transportation. However, the wireless communication systems used in the approach and tower control phases of traffic control are susceptible to external interference, posing a threat to flight safety. Traditi
with their vast amounts of potentially useful data, is an important task in the healthcare domain. New legislation in Japan has addressed the treatment of medical data. The “Act on the Protection of Personal Information [1]” was revised in 2017...
MT is best when used for gisting, which means a rough translation of the source text that allows the reader to understand the essence or general meaning of the source text even though the sentence structure, grammatical agreement, parts of speech, or word meanings are not accurate. Finally, ...
Knowledge about the particular language used by some piece of information content might be useful or even required by some types of processing, for example, spell-checking, computer- synthesized speech, Braille transcription, or high-quality print renderings. One means of indicating the language used...
White paper Identifying critical societal Public Health Needs: in search of the public health paradigm for the 21st century Ilona Kickbusch August 2008 "The challenge to public health at the beginning of the 21st century is as large as when public health was first devel...
Meaning is derived from how people unconsciously arrange and re-arrange these parts ofspeech within phrases and sentences. Their word arrangements signal the direction of the discussion, and thestrength of their feelings, opinions and beliefs, as they move between owning them and displac...
Three experienced risk assessors helped to construct the resources described in the following four sections, respectively: (i) a representative corpus of CRA literature for parts of hazard identification (i.e. the assessment of whether a chemical is capable of causing cancer), (ii) a tool for ...
A. E. D. helped conceive the project idea and drafted parts of the paper relevant to Huntington’s disease, the study participants and their clinical/MRI evaluation. She also revised the paper and helped in interpreting the results. L. F. and F. S. revised and approved the manuscript. E...
22 and 35 years of age. The data acquisition methodology of the Human Connectome Project is detailed in the “WU-Minn HCP 1200 Subjects Data Release: Reference Manual” at the site ...
adverb, noun, adjective, auxiliary verb, conjunction, pronoun, preposition, qualifier, interjection, or article, among others. The user-defined criteria20may include multiple parts of speech. For example, the user may select both “verbs” and “adverb” to search both parts of speech simultaneous...