Genotyping tools show comparatively better prospects, and they are widely used for distinguishing microorganisms. The techniques already employed in genotyping of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are slightly different from one another, and each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. This review paper...
Flow cytometry instruments are extensively used in the field of microbiology due to their ability to analyze and sort single cells in real time. These tools are capable of distinguishing between live and dead cells and can be coupled with any downstream analysis, thereby providing valuable insights...
The cDNA synthesis was performed using reverse transcription reaction kit (Vazyme) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Quantitative real-time PCR was carried out using the Hieff Universal qPCR SYBR Green Master Mix (UNICON, Yeasen Biotechnology, Shanghai, China). Primer sequences used for qRT...
DNA extraction was performed in 96 wells plate70. A set of 186 SSR primers was randomly selected for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) covering all 21 wheat chromosomes (Supplementary Material Table2). M13 tail (CACGACGTTGTAAAACGAC) was synthesized at the 5′ end of the forward primer. Four...
While in many cases the use of pre- servatives has been shown to not impact DNA quality or yield [33], they often introduce biases toward the detec- tion of specific microorganisms. In 2015, Choo et al. [40] compared commonly used microbiome preserva- tives for stool and found that ...
Peak calling. After the centre of the peak is identified (red line), the values in a window around the centre are analysed (yellow). The minima on the left and right side are identified (dashed horizontal lines) and the higher value is used as threshold. Next, the peak is expanded (gr...
The PCR-based methods have also been used lately with a multiplex modification [33, 34]. In contrast, the probe-based en- richment methods typically use ME-specific probes to enrich DNA fragments containing one of several types of MEs from the genomic DNA [35–37]. Although the earlier ...
In silico nucleic acid recombination methods, related integrated systems utilizing genetic operators are used to identify sets of oligonucleotides for in vitro recombination.
In addition, RNA has been used as an artificial molecular switch to control cellular events such as RNA splicing and gene expression5. Because of this, RNA is an attractive target for small molecules that serve as chemical genetics probes or therapeu- tics6,7, as effectors of artificial gene...
or both50. SNaPshot technology based on dideoxy single-base extension of oligonucleotide primers after multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for single nucleotide mutation detection. ForEGFRmutations the exons 18, 19, 20 and 21 were tested. For missenseKRASmutations the exon 2 position...