tongue-tiesocial mediaAs we describe in "When Tongue-Ties Were Missed: Mothers' Stories," tongue-tie is often missed and mothers suffer as a result. Furthermore, many healthcare providers do not believe that tongue-tie is real. These realities have often left IBCLCs out on the frontiers ...
By the way, Wired was in Puff’s birth-territory for awhile when he was still there. I don’t know if she is related to him, but there has been a long-standing association. I’ve also seen two other Presidio coyotes at Puff’s birth-territory. I wonder what the special tie is be...
However, in seed-based FC, the position of a seed region could greatly affect the resulting pattern of the functional system, such as the language network. Also, the Pearson’s correlation implemented in the previous study suggests sensitivity to systematic noise such as head motion and physiologi...
PCR-Restriction Digest Strategy to Resolve the TCR Gamma Locus.A schematic showing the TCR gamma locus according to Liu et al. 2020 and as depicted from galGal6a, with the latter appearing to have a tandem duplicated region. The PCR-restriction digest strategy to resolve this discrepancy is de...
SOCIAL MEDIATONGUE-TIESCOPE OF PRACTICEStudy causes and management of chronic, deep breast pain in breastfeeding womendoi:10.1891/2158-0782.8.3.118Catherine Watson GennaJames MurphyAlison K. HazelbakerMartin KaplanPamela DouglasClinical Lactation