That's great, thanks very much for your help. I had looked online but my google searches must have been too vague to point me to the relevent BOL article. Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total) You must be logged in to reply to this topic.Login to reply...
How can I output a Chinese character when it's unicode code point greater than 65535 in powershell or cmd? How can I pin two shortcuts to task bar for the same program? How can I prevent RDP from locking the host's screen? How can I reach the advanced startup menu while using a...
I need a powershell command to replace unicode chars in a file name to a blank space i need a PowerShell script that will remotely log into a Linux server and gather all user info I need help with curl to Invoke-RestMethod I need to copy a file using Copy-Item to mapped path I nee...
CString to CStringA in unicode character set CString to LPARAM, SetDialogText CString::Find(ch, start) ctime/time.h curl command not recognized while call from system() or popen() in c Custom undo/redo function, only undo/redo last keyup change CWnd::WindowProc - override function DataTab...
How can I output a Chinese character when it's unicode code point greater than 65535 in powershell or cmd? How can I pin two shortcuts to task bar for the same program? How can I prevent RDP from locking the host's screen? How can I reach the advanced startup menu while using an...
I need a powershell command to replace unicode chars in a file name to a blank space i need a PowerShell script that will remotely log into a Linux server and gather all user info I need help with curl to Invoke-RestMethod I need to copy a file using Copy-Item to mapped path I nee...
CString to CStringA in unicode character set CString to LPARAM, SetDialogText CString::Find(ch, start) ctime/time.h curl command not recognized while call from system() or popen() in c Custom undo/redo function, only undo/redo last keyup change CWnd::WindowProc - override function DataTab...