Language Goals: Introduce people; Identify people语言目标:介绍他人:辨认人物Match the words CA with the people in the picture.将单词与图中人物配对a1. mother a f2. father3. parents4. brothers That's my family.g5. grandmother Those are my parents.h Who's she?6. grandfather7. friend8. gr...
教材原文汉语译文Language Goals:语言目标:Introduce people; Identify people介绍他人:辨认人物1a Match the words with the people in the picture.1a将单词与图中人物配对1. mother a1.母亲;妈妈a2.father2.父亲;爸爸3.parents3.父母4. brothers4.兄弟5. grandmother5.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥6. grandfather6...
Twenty-two people were killedand dozens more were injured in the Aug. 3 shooting at a Walmart near the Mexican border. The gunman allegedly cased the storeto look for Mexicans to kill before he carried out the attack, according to law enforcement officials. Police tape st...
In many cases, the clothes people wear identify them as belonging to a particular social class.很多情况下,人们的穿着显示出 他们的社会阶级。# 三、拓展 同:confirm, recognize, ascertain 派:identified 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 identifiable 可辨认的;可认明的;可证明是同一的 identifiably 可...
In an interview with WIRED, CEO Hoan Ton-That said the company has scraped 10 billion photos from the web—and developed new ways to aid police surveillance.
1. 词组翻译(1)识别人物 identify people (2)家庭照片___family photo(s)(3)谈论talk about (4)图中in the picture(5)玩得开心点 have a good day (6)你也一样you too(7)家庭关系图 family tree (8)我的堂兄my cousin(9)我的家庭my family (10)我的一张全家福 a photo of my family ...
Language Goals: Introduce people; Identify people1 a Match the words with the people in the picture.1. mother/'mʌðə(r)/a2. father/'fa:ðə(r)/c3. parents/'peərənts, 'perənts/b4. brothers/'brʌðə(r)z/h5. grandmother/'grænm^ðə(r)/②f6. gran...
PlantSnap has been a total game-changer for me as a plant lover. It’s incredibly easy to use—just snap a picture, and in seconds, you’ve got the plant ID right there. The app is super efficient and does exactly what it promises without any hassle. I also love the community aspect...
PassageThreeQuestions31to35arebasedonthefollowingpassage. Trademarks(商标)identifyanddistinguishtheproductsofonebusinessfirmfromthoseofanother.Itmayincludeaword,asentence,aname,asymbol,apicture,oranycombinationofthese.Trademarksmustbeattacheddirectlytotheproduct.Manytrademarkscontainthenameoftheownerofthebusiness.But...
You can create a single page diagram/picture that describes the solution in a way that's easier to understand. Include the different people who interact with the system so that it's clear how the solution will be used by different people. Avoid adding too much detail, which can make your...