based on singular value decomposition (SVD)41. SVD results in a transformation of the coordinate system of feature space into an equal number of ‘principal components’ (PCs). The transformation into PC space is a linear transformation (for example, rotation), mapping the original coordinate sys...
9A–D). Our analysis indicated that AQP9, PROK2, LCN2, and NAMPT were positively linked to the IL-17/IL-17-associated signaling pathway (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and type 1 diabetes mellitus), immune-related disorders (allograft rejection and graft-versus-host disease...
The Rissanen MDL and Akaike AIC criteria produces equivalent results and are both indicated by a blue rectangle on the plot. The red rectangle represents the best overall fit, which occurs forna=2,nb=3, andnk=5. The height difference between the red and blue rectangles is insignificant. There...
Additive mean effect and multiplicative interaction analysis of variation indicated a significant genotype and environment (G 脳 E) interaction for all the traits. A high environment effect of 33.73% of the total sum of squares was observed for the trait pods per cluster ...
Proteins also found on other affinity resins are indicated. Complete lists are shown in Table S1. Genes highlighted in yellow were overexpressed, and their effects on AICAR sensitivity are shown in Fig. S7. B, biological process GO terms enrichment analysis for the 74 ZMP binders (http://www...
aAlteration matrices illustrating differences between the combinatorial weight functionW(M) introduced in Dendrix and the probabilistic scoreΦ(M) used in CoMEt. Both matrices contain 4 mutually exclusive alterations whose alteration frequencies are indicated inside each bar. The samples without alterations...
the weighting of the statistic with the node strengths emphasizes signals that involve locally important genes over isolated peripheral nodes. In Plot D of Additional file2: Figure S5, the overlap between the hub neighbourhood and a hypothetical disease-associated gene set is indicated by the circle...
18, 19, 20 To prevent false-positive results caused by inadequate hybridization or chromatin loss, analysis was only performed on slides with high hybridization efficiency, indicated by two signals of a control YAC clone in more than 90% of the nuclei. Fluorescence signals were enumerated in 150...
Fig. 5: Identification and functional analysis of the RBP interactome for two coPARSE-lncRNAs. a, PCA of MS data for HeLa cell lysates pulled down for the indicated human coPARSE-lncRNAs and the predicted mouse and zebrafish homologs. The control samples are based on luciferase transcript segmen...
The QT interval is an electrocardiographic measure representing the sum of ventricular depolarization and repolarization, estimated by QRS duration and JT interval, respectively. QT interval abnormalities are associated with potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmia. Using genome-wide multi-ancestry analyses (>...