Identify the term: A gland that is considered to be a part of the lymphatic system. Endocrine and lymphatic systems: The endocrine system consists of a collection of various body organs and glands that secrete hormones in the blood stream. The lymphatic system is an im...
The lymphatic system is also responsible for the transport of chylomicrons (vesicles that contain lipids) made after the absorption of fats by the intestinal epithelium. In the way of the lymphatic vessels there are ganglial-like structures called lymph nodes that contain many cells of the immune...
Cells within each cluster that were significantly correlated (Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p < 0.05) with their RCA-predicted cell type were identified accordingly, and cells with non-significant correlations were labeled as undetermined. To construct the reference for the cell type identification ...
Rubin W, Schwartz B. The use of EM autoradiography and organ culture to identify pathways of amine synthesis in hu- man and murine gastric endocrine cells. In: Cellular basis of chemical messengers in the digestive system, UCLA Forum in Medical Sciences Series (in press)....