Cross-talk between the two organs may involve different components of the signaling network, such as hormones, transcription factors (TFs) and other signaling molecules, playing either direct or indirect roles. Concerning hormones, parthenocarpic fruit development in some species is induced by ...
Two of the recombinants encode a portion of the previously unidentified EHV-4 homologue of the EHV-1 immediate early protein. The EHV-4 insert of the remaining recombinant encodes a portion of the previously unidentified EHV-4 homologue of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) UL36, a tegument ...
in improved cultivars. We evaluated the population frequency of each elite allele in historically released cultivar groups and found that 54.8% of the elite genome-wide association study (GWAS) alleles detected were transferred from three founder landraces: Deltapine 15, Stoneville 2B and Uganda ...
CPs are major components of the insect cuticle, and the up-regulation of specific CPs was involved in insecticide penetration resistance [43]. CPs can be classified into more than 10 families, and CPR is the largest family protein that consists of a conserved chitin-binding domain, which ...